What are Somatic Experiments?

Somatic Experiments are intentional explorations of autonomic nervous system responses to life. Sometimes we get in a rut--fighting when we don't have to, withdrawing vs reaching out. We can voluntarily engage with Somatic Experiments to increase our "range of motion" of  involuntary responses to challenging situations.

I facilitate experiments with a commitment to maintaining brave space if/when the weeds of pervasive threat pop up; this means that while I cannot prevent harm happening for BIPOC, LGBTQAI, immigrant,  AFAB people, Jews or other people deeply and historically oppressed within the US and elsewhere, I will address harms caused by myself or others promptly and with as much mindfulness and calling-in vs calling out as possible. I have an active practice of sitting with discomfort, addressing whiteness and cis-gendered heteronormativity and patriarchy when it shows up in my behavior. I am a queer, mostly cis-gendered female with 3/4 Ashkenazi Jewish heritage and 1/4 Celtic. 

My conCISE workshops are informed by my work as a  Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner but are *not* Somatic Experiencing® sessions.

Wowlvenn Seward-Katzmiller                         707-787-0402

Sonoma County, US

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